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A lovely song of Shanghai in 1947, sang by Zhou Xuan.

夜上海 夜上海
Yè Shànghǎi yè Shànghǎi
Night in Shanghai, night in Shanghai

Nǐ shì gè bú yè chéng
you are a city that never sleeps .

华灯起 乐声响 歌舞升平
Huádēng qǐ yuè sheng xiǎng gēwǔ shēngpíng
Bright lights, the music on, peaceful and prosperous song and dance .

只见她 笑脸迎
Zhǐ jiàn tā xiàoliǎn yíng
I saw her smiling face .

Shéi zhī tā nèixīn kǔmèn
who knows her inner anguish .

夜生活 都为了 衣食住行
Yèshēnghuó dōu wèi le yī shí zhù xíng
Living the nightlife is needed for the basic necessities of life .

Jiǔ bù zuìrén rén zì zuì
Wine doesn't make people drunk, people make themselves drunk .

Hú tiān hú dì cuōtuó le qīngchūn
Troubled sky troubled land and the wasted youth .

晓色朦胧 转眼醒 大家归去
Xiǎo sè ménglóng zhuǎnyǎn xǐng dàjiā guī qù
Everybody goes back with bleary eyes at the instant of the hazy dawn .

Xīnlíngr suí zhe zhuàndòng de chēlún
The soul returns with the turning of the car wheels .

换一换 新天地 别有一个新环境
Huàn yí huàn xīn tiāndì bié yǒu yí gè xīn huánjìng
For a change she finds a new world a new environment .

回味着 夜生活 如梦初醒
Huíwèi zhe yè shēnghuó rú mèng chū xǐng
Waking up from the after taste of the nightlife.

Jiǔ bù zuìrén rén zì zuì
Wine doesn't make people drunk, people make themselves drunk .

Hú tiān hú dì cuōtuó le qīngchūn
Troubled sky troubled land and the wasted youth .

晓色朦胧 转眼醒 大家归去
Xiǎo sè ménglóng zhuǎnyǎn xǐng dàjiā guī qù
Everybody goes back with bleary eyes at the instant of the hazy dawn .

Xīnlíngr suí zhe zhuàndòng de chēlún
The soul returns with the turning of the car wheels .

❤️The English translation is from the internet!
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