Chinese Lover 举一反三 举 jǔ 一 yī 反 fǎn 三 sān To learn by analogy A breakdown of the characters in 举一反三 (jǔ yī fǎn sān): 举 (jǔ): to list (列举 - liè jǔ) 一 (yī): one 反 (fǎn): usually means “opposite” but here means “to inf... Jun 22, 2021 0 1138
Chinese Lover 以假乱真 以 yǐ 假 jiǎ 乱 luàn 真 zhēn Pass off a fake as real Here’s a breakdown of the characters in 以假乱真(yǐ jiǎ luàn zhēn): 以(yǐ): formal way to say “to use” 假(jiǎ): fake 乱(luàn): to confuse or mix up ( 混乱... Jun 22, 2021 0 1143
Chinese Lover 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人 不 bù 鸣 míng 则 zé 已 yǐ , , 一 yī 鸣 míng 惊 jīng 人 rén Amazing the World with a Single Feat; Should one desire to sing,one would amaze the world with his first song In the Warring States P... Jun 22, 2021 0 807
Chinese Lover 名落孙山 名 míng 落 luò 孙 sūn 山 shān In the Song Dynasty(960-1279) there was a joker called Sun Shan. 宋 sòng 代 dài 有 yǒu 一 yí 个 gè 名 míng 叫 jiào 孙 sūn 山 shān 的 de 才 cái 子 zǐ , , 他 tā 为 wéi 人 rén 幽 yōu 默 ... Jun 22, 2021 0 803
Chinese Lover 急于求成 急 jí 于 yú 求 qiú 成 chéng Anxious for success A breakdown of the characters in 急于求成 (jí yú qiú chéng): 急 (jí): to hurry or be anxious (着急- zháojí) 于 (yú): with regard to or concerning 求 (qiú) : to st... Jun 22, 2021 0 1104
Chinese Lover 虎头蛇尾 虎 hǔ 头 tóu 蛇 shé 尾 wěi Strong start, weak finish A breakdown of the characters in 虎头蛇尾(hǔ tóu shé wěi): 虎(hǔ): tiger 头(tóu): head 蛇(shé): snake 尾(wěi): tail We all know the tale of the rabbit, bu... Jun 22, 2021 0 1032
Chinese Lover 轰轰烈烈 轰 hōng 轰 hōng 烈 liè 烈 liè On a grand scale A breakdown in the characters for 轰轰烈烈 (hōng hōng liè liè) 轰(hōng): a loud noise, boom! 烈 (liè): strong, intense (强烈 - qiáng liè) This chengyu can descr... Jun 22, 2021 0 879
Chinese Lover 合情合理 合 hé 情 qíng 合 hé 理 lǐ Fair and equitable A breakdown of the characters in 合情合理 (hé qíng hé lǐ): 合 (hé): to be in accord with (合乎 - hé hū) 情 (qíng): feelings and emotion (感情 - gǎn qíng) 理 (lǐ): re... Jun 22, 2021 0 855
Chinese Lover 浩浩荡荡 浩 hào 浩 hào 荡 dàng 荡 dàng A mighty scene A breakdown of the characters in 浩浩荡荡 (hào hào dàng dàng): 浩浩 (hàohào): a mighty flow of water 荡荡 (dàngdàng): vast Occupy Wall Street was one of the top s... Jun 22, 2021 0 1141
Chinese Lover 刮目相看 刮 guā 目 mù 相 xiāng 看 kàn See someone in a new light A look at the characters in 刮目相看 (guā mù xiāng kàn) 刮 (guā): to wipe 目 (mù): eyes (目光 - mù guāng) 相 (xiāng): indicates action is being performe... Jun 22, 2021 0 1164
Chinese Lover 多此一举 多 duō 此 cǐ 一 yī 举 jǔ Unnecessary move A breakdown of the characters in 多此一举 (duō cǐ yī jǔ): 多 (duō): many or excessive (多余 - duōyú) 此 (cǐ): this (此事 - cǐ shì) 一 (yī): one 举 (jǔ): an act or acti... Jun 22, 2021 0 1240
Chinese Lover 对牛弹琴 对 duì 牛 niú 弹 tán 琴 qín To preach to deaf ears A breakdown of the characters in 对牛弹琴(duì niú tán qín): 对(duì): at or to 牛(niú): cow 弹 (tán): to play 琴 (qín): a stringed instrument Have you ev... Jun 22, 2021 0 1193