Chinese Lover 对号入座 对 duì 号 hào 入 rù 座 zuò To assume you are being criticized A breakdown of the characters in 对号入座(duì hào rù zuò): 对 (duì): to check (对表 - duì biǎo) 号 (hào): number 入 (rù): to enter(进入 - jìn rù) ... Jun 22, 2021 0 1356
Chinese Lover 得寸进尺 得 dé 寸 cùn 进 jìn 尺 chǐ Give an inch and take a yard A breakdown of the characters in 得寸进尺(dé cùn jìn chǐ): 得 (dé): to get, acquire (得到 - dé dào) 寸 (cùn): a Chinese unit of length, approximately equ... Jun 22, 2021 0 1054
Chinese Lover 擦肩而过 擦 cā 肩 jiān 而 ér 过 guò Missed encounter A breakdown of the characters in 擦肩而过 (cā jiān ér guò): 擦 (cā): to brush, rub up against 肩 (jiān): shoulder (肩膀 – jiān bǎng) 而 (ér): conjunction meaning “... Jun 22, 2021 0 1092
Chinese Lover 笨鸟先飞 笨 bèn 鸟 niǎo 先 xiān 飞 fēi Dumb birds must start flying early A breakdown of the characters in 笨鸟先飞 ( bèn niǎo xiān fēi) 笨 (bèn): dumb or clumsy 鸟 (niǎo): bird 先 (xiān): first or earlier 飞 (fēi)... Jun 22, 2021 0 1026
Chinese Lover 高山流水 gāo shān liú shuǐ *成语故事:高山流水* 春秋时,琴师俞伯牙在山里弹琴,樵夫钟子期路过,当俞伯牙心中边想高山边弹琴的时候,钟子期说,琴声表现的是巍峨的高山 ;当俞伯牙心中边想大海边弹琴的时候,钟子期说,琴声表现的是浩荡的流水。俞伯牙很惊讶,认为钟子期是他的知音。两人约好下次再见面听琴。不幸届时钟子期已死,俞伯牙非常痛心,摔琴叹息,发誓再不弹琴。后来“高山流水”比喻乐曲高妙,更多比喻朋友知己心心相印。 *Alt... Jun 15, 2021 0 883
Chinese Lover 半途而废 bàntúérfèi 半 bàn 途 tú 而 ér 废 fèi Give Up Halfway A breakdown of the characters in 半途而废 (bàn tú ér fèi) 半 (bàn): half 途 (tú): way or road (路途-lù tú) 而 (ér): conjunction meaning “but” here 废 (fèi): to... Chinese Idioms Jun 14, 2021 0 1167