001 华夏的起源 The origin of Huaxia
002 炎黄二帝 Emperors Yan and Huang
003 尧舜让位 Demise of Yao and Shun
004 大禹治水 The Great Flood of Gun-Yu
005 商汤讨伐夏桀Tang of Shang crusaded Jie of Xia
006 盘庚迁都到殷Pangeng moved the capital to Ying
007 商纣王与一代妖姬Zhou of Shang and Daji
008 周公辅佐成王Duke of Zhou Assisting King Cheng
009 牧野之战:奇人姜太公直钩钓鱼Battle of Muye: Jiang Tai Gong Fishes with a Straight Hook
010 周召(shào)共和Minister Zhou & Shao Republic
011 穆公狸猫换太子Sir Mu exchanged "civet cat" for prince
012 烽火戏诸侯Teasing feudal vassal with beacons
007 商纣王与一代妖姬Zhou of Shang and Daji
007 商纣王与一代妖姬Zhou of Shang and Daji
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