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When and where can I use "没 "and "不 " ?

It's one of the most difficult grammar in China. Actually most Chinese can't figure it out perfectly. Neither can I explain it well enough. But I'd like to try my best to help.
1.They have totally different meanings. 不means forbidding,don't. And it can be used in front of nearly all verbs. While没(没有)means don't have or don't exist. It can be used together with several verbs, such as 能够,敢,肯etc.
Eg. 我不吃猪肉。(I don't eat pork)
我没有书。(I don't have books.)
2. They stand for different point of view. 不is more likely to show personal or subjective view. Very often, It shows the narrator's favor or dislike. 没 stands for objective view. It is used to statement of fact.
Eg. 我不喜欢他。(I don't like him.)
我没睡。(I haven't slept.)
3. Generally speaking, they show different tense. 没denies the things happened in the past. Or used in the present perfect tense. But 不denies the present and the future.
Eg. 他不写作业。(He doesn't do his homework)
她没写作业。(She hasn't done her homework.)

by Lotus An

🔺沒: To talk about things you didn’t do in the past
ie 我沒洗碗 ( I didn’t do the dishes.)
我沒看昨天那一集( I didn’t see the episode released yesterday.)
🔺不: To talk about habits, or something you are not doing at the moment
ie 我平常不看電視( I don’t watch TV)
ie 我現在不在家(I am not home.)
Hope the above clarify💁‍♀️

by Huai Rou Lin

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